Final Exam Procedures
Important: Fall and Spring Final Exams are administered in the student union ballroom. The ODS office will be located in the Vermillion Room, which is directly across from the ballroom. Our phone will be transferred and the number remains the same (2-5252). A computer lab will be set up in the Teche room for students needing to take a computer exam.
Submitting your final exams to ODS:
We are asking faculty to please submit your final exams to ODS the week before finals by either hand delivering them to 126 Agnes Edwards Hall (Conference Center) or uploading them directly into our AIM portal. Faculty can also email the exam to
Things to remember when submitting your exam:
Make sure all instructions are clearly stated on the testing agreement (calculators, notes, extra paper, etc). We may be unable to call departments for clarification. We will only allow students to test with materials authorized by you.
Please let us know how much time the class has to take the exam. This is how we determine extended time.
Students can not be penalized for taking exams at ODS. If you give special instructions to the class, make clarifications on test questions, or give bonus points, the student testing with accommodations must receive the same opportunity. You can call our office and we will do our best to locate the student and relay information.
Scheduling Exams:
The last time period of the day that students can begin an exam at our office is 2pm. If you teach a night class or have an exam scheduled for 5pm, the student will get with you to arrange an alternate time. We have sent word to our students to remind them of their responsibility to reach out to you.
Completed Exams:
We ask that you try to pick up your students completed exams (Vermillion room in the union). We will NOT be delivering exams to departmental offices as we have done in the past. If you like, we can scan and email the completed exam to you. Please indicate your preference on the Testing Agreement.